Friday 19 June 2015

Paging using AngularJS and Bootstrap in Salesforce

AngularJS is a toolset for building the framework most suited to your application development. It is fully extensible and works well with other libraries. Every feature can be modified or replaced to suit your unique development workflow and feature needs.
Want to know more and learn about angularJS Click here this is a re-post of the blog written by Vivek Deepak

Here is the page how its looks, the awesome thing about this page is angular the functionality in too much less coding, that what I just loved about AngularJS
Take a look at this

Here is the small controller class using remote Action to fetch the account records.

1:  global class BlogOneController {  
2:    @RemoteAction  
3:    global static List<Account> getAllAccounts() {    
4:      return [SELECT Id,Name,BillingStreet,BillingCity,BillingState FROM Account];  
5:    }  
6:  }  

Here is the code of the page using AngularJS to show the data on the page, using AngularJS and Bootstrap

1:  <apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" docType="html-5.0" standardStylesheets="false" applyBodyTag="false" applyHtmlTag="false" controller="BlogOneController" >  
2:  <html ng-app="SampleApp" lang="en">  
3:    <apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.bootstrap,'/boostrapStyle/css/bootstrap.css')}"/>  
4:    <apex:stylesheet value="{!URLFOR($Resource.bootstrap,'/boostrapStyle/css/ng-table.min.css')}"/>  
5:    <head>  
6:    <!-- Add CSS Files HERE -->     
7:    <script type="text/javascript">  
8:    var myapp = angular.module('SampleApp',['ui.bootstrap','mgcrea.ngStrap','ngTable']);  
9:      myapp.factory('FETCH_ACCOUNTS', ['$q','$log', function($q,$log){  
10:    var handleReq = function(remoteCall) {  
11:      var defer = $q.defer();  
12:        remoteCall(  
13:         function(result, event) {  
14:          if(event.status) {  
15:           defer.resolve(result);  
16:          }  
17:          else {  
18:           $log.error(event.message);  
19:           defer.reject(event.message);  
20:          }  
21:         },  
22:         {escape:false, buffer: false}  
23:        );  
24:        return defer.promise;  
25:       }  
26:    return {  
27:        getAllCustomers: function() {  
28:          return handleReq(BlogOneController.getAllAccounts);  
29:        }  
30:      }  
31:  }]);  
32:  myapp.controller('MainController',['$q','$log','$scope','FETCH_ACCOUNTS','ngTableParams',function($q,$log,$scope,FETCH_ACCOUNTS,ngTableParams){  
33:        $scope.loadingH = true;  
34:        var data = [];  
35:        var promise = FETCH_ACCOUNTS.getAllCustomers();  
36:        $scope.account_list = [];  
37:        promise.then(function(response){  
38:          data = response;  
39:              $scope.accountRecords.reload();  
40:          $scope.loadingH = false;      
41:        },function(error){  
42:          $log.error('ERROR' + JSON.stringify(error));  
43:          $scope.loadingH = false;  
44:        });  
45:        $scope.accountRecords = new ngTableParams({  
46:                 page: 1,      // show first page  
47:                 count: 5  
48:                           // count per page  
49:              }, {  
50:                 counts:[],  
51:                 total: data.length, // length of data  
52:                 getData: function($defer, params) {  
53:     ;  
54:                 $defer.resolve(data.slice(( - 1) * params.count(), * params.count()));  
55:              }  
56:            });  
57:      }]);  
58:    </script>  
59:    </head>  
60:    <body ng-controller="MainController" >  
61:    <div class="panel panel-primary">  
62:       <div class="panel-heading">  
63:        <h3 class="panel-title">Account Information</h3>  
64:       </div>  
65:       <div class="panel-body">  
66:          <table ng-table="accountRecords" class="table table-striped table-hover">  
67:           <thead>  
68:            <tr>  
69:             <th>#</th>  
70:             <th>Account Name</th>  
71:             <th>Street</th>  
72:             <th>State</th>  
73:            </tr>  
74:           </thead>  
75:           <tbody>  
76:            <tr ng-repeat="account in $data">  
77:             <td>{{$index+1}}</td>  
78:             <td>{{account.Name}}</td>  
79:             <td>{{account.BillingStreet}}</td>  
80:             <td>{{account.BillingCity}}</td>  
81:            </tr>  
82:           </tbody>  
83:          </table>    
84:       </div>  
85:      </div>  
86:      <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.bootstraptpls, 'bootrapangular/angular.min.js')}"/>  
87:    <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.bootstraptpls, 'bootrapangular/angular-strap.min.js')}"/>  
88:    <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.bootstraptpls, 'bootrapangular/angular-strap.tpl.min.js')}"/>  
89:    <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.bootstraptpls, 'bootrapangular/ng-table.min.js')}"/>  
90:    <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.bootstraptpls, 'bootrapangular/ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.11.0.js')}"/>  
91:  <!-- Add JS Files HERE -->  
92:  </body>  
93:  </html>  
94:  </apex:page>  

For the Angular and Boostrap files please click here

Happy coding!!

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Improved SAQL in Spring'15

The SAQL language is a real-time query language that enables ad hoc analysis of data that’s stored in dataset
SAQL is influenced by the Pig Latin programming language, but their implementations differ and they aren’t compatible.
SAQL is procedural, which means that you describe what you want to get from your query. Then, the query engine decides how to serve it efficiently. SAQLis compositional. Every statement has a result, and you can chain statements together.
Salesforce Analytics Query language (SAQL)
We already know about SOQL and SOSL. This is new Query language for Analytics cloud to enable ad hoc analysis of data stored in dataset. This is still in pilot.
 IDENTIFIERS Identifiers are case-sensitive. They can be unquoted or quoted. Unquoted identifiers can’t be one of the reserved words and must start with a letter (A to Z or a to z) or an underscore. Subsequent characters can be letters, numbers, or underscores. Unquoted identifiers can’t contain spaces. Quoted identifiers are wrapped in single quotes (') and can contain any character that a string can contain. 

Happy Coding!!