Whenever we are working with bulk data, its a hard thing to check the duplicate records and then delete them without loosing data.
So I thought why shouldn't we go for a bulk process that helps us in Merging the duplicate records and them clearing them from database without any loss of data.
So here I have done something for my Account object, I have written a batch, whenever we execute it, it will start processing on Account records created in "LAST 15 MINUTES", takes those Account's Name and Billing Address, and then it will check in database that is there any record having same Name AND Billing Address or not.
This batch won't work if there is any slight change in between name or billing address.
for example I have created two Account records having same Name and Billing Address only the first record Phone was an extra field filled.
1st Account created
2nd Account without Phone but same Billing Address and Name
Now when I execute my batch in console
Now my batch deletes duplicate Account that have empty phone
Now the best thing is, no matter how many field you have in Account it will save your field values in the unique record, that means your data will never loose your data.
Here is the batch
Here is the Test Class
Thanks & Cheers,Hope helped someone.
So I thought why shouldn't we go for a bulk process that helps us in Merging the duplicate records and them clearing them from database without any loss of data.
So here I have done something for my Account object, I have written a batch, whenever we execute it, it will start processing on Account records created in "LAST 15 MINUTES", takes those Account's Name and Billing Address, and then it will check in database that is there any record having same Name AND Billing Address or not.
This batch won't work if there is any slight change in between name or billing address.
for example I have created two Account records having same Name and Billing Address only the first record Phone was an extra field filled.
1st Account created
2nd Account without Phone but same Billing Address and Name
Now when I execute my batch in console
Now my batch deletes duplicate Account that have empty phone
Now the best thing is, no matter how many field you have in Account it will save your field values in the unique record, that means your data will never loose your data.
Here is the batch
/** * Description : Batch class to merge duplicate transaction Account records. * * Created Date : 11-26-2013 * * Revision Logs : V1.0 - Created * **/ global class Batch_MergeDuplicateTransactionAccounts implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.Stateful { //Set to hold the account records name with billing address field values global Set<String> setAccountNameWithBillingAddress; //String to hold the Account object fields names String accountFieldsNamesString = ''; //Set to hold the Account fields API name strings Set<String> setAccountFieldsNameString; //Calling Constructor global Batch_MergeDuplicateTransactionAccounts() { //Memory Allocation to collections setAccountFieldsNameString = new Set<String>(); setAccountNameWithBillingAddress = new Set<String>(); //Describe Account object and get all the fields Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> accountFieldsMap = Account.sObjectType.getDescribe().fields.getMap(); //Loop through Account fields Names through Schema Methods for(String fieldName : accountFieldsMap.keySet()) { //Describe field Schema.DescribeFieldResult field = accountFieldsMap.get(fieldName).getDescribe(); //Filtering out the fields for getting only updatable non system fields if(!field.isCalculated() && field.isCreateable() && field.isUpdateable() && !field.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.PARENTID)) { //Populate set with the Fields Names string values setAccountFieldsNameString.add(field.getLocalName()); //Account object fields name string if(accountFieldsNamesString == '') accountFieldsNamesString = field.getLocalName(); else accountFieldsNamesString += ',' + field.getLocalName(); } } } //Start method global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { //Varibale to hold the current date time value DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime.now(); //Varibale to hold the 15 minute ago date time value DateTime fifteenMinuteAgoDateTime = DateTime.now().addMinutes(-15); //String variable to hold the Account records those were created in last 15 minute and so. String sOQLQuery = 'SELECT ID, Name FROM Account WHERE' + ' CreatedDate >: fifteenMinuteAgoDateTime AND CreatedDate <=: currentDateTime' + ' AND Name != null ORDER By CreatedDate ASC'; //Fetching all the Account records from the database return Database.getQueryLocator(sOQLQuery); } //Exectue Method having logic for duplicate accounts finding's global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Account> scope) { //Set to hold the account name with billing address strings Set<String> setAccountNameWithBillingAddressStrings = new Set<String>(); //Map to hold the Account records corresponding the account name and billing address value as key Map<String, List<Account>> mapNameBillingAddressKeyWithAccounts = new Map<String, List<Account>>(); //This map is to hold the Parent Id and List of List of Accounts. One list will have maximum 2 child records. //Standard merge statement allows to merge 3 records at a time, so List of list will hold list of 2 child records Map<Id, List<List<Id>>> mapParentAccountWithListOfChildrenAccounts = new Map<Id, List<List<Id>>>(); //This mapis to hold the updated Parent data always Map<Id, Account> mapParentAccount = new Map<Id, Account>(); //Loop through account records in scope for(Account acc : scope) { //Checking value in set if(!(setAccountNameWithBillingAddress.contains(acc.Name.trim().toLowerCase()))) { //Populate set with values setAccountNameWithBillingAddress.add(acc.Name.trim().toLowerCase()); setAccountNameWithBillingAddressStrings.add(acc.Name.trim().toLowerCase()); } } //Check set for size if(setAccountNameWithBillingAddressStrings != null) { //Loop through eligible account records for(Account account : Database.query('SELECT ' + accountFieldsNamesString + ' FROM Account WHERE Name IN : setAccountNameWithBillingAddressStrings AND Name != null ORDER By CreatedDate ASC')) { //Key String String keyString = ''; String billingAddressString = ''; //Appending account billing address field values in key string after performing validation on them if(account.BillingStreet != null) billingAddressString += account.BillingStreet.trim().toLowerCase(); else billingAddressString += null; if(account.BillingCity != null) billingAddressString += account.BillingCity.trim().toLowerCase(); else billingAddressString += null; if(account.BillingState != null) billingAddressString += account.BillingState.trim().toLowerCase(); else billingAddressString += null; if(account.BillingCountry != null) billingAddressString += account.BillingCountry.trim().toLowerCase(); else billingAddressString += null; if(account.BillingPostalCode != null) billingAddressString += account.BillingPostalCode.trim().toLowerCase(); else billingAddressString += null; //Formation of key string with the help of account name and billing address string keyString = account.Name.trim().toLowerCase() + Constants.SEPERATOR + billingAddressString; System.debug('@@@@@ keyString ' + keyString); //Check for key value in map if(mapNameBillingAddressKeyWithAccounts.containsKey(keyString)) { //Get the Values of the Map and add Id to it. mapNameBillingAddressKeyWithAccounts.get(keyString).add(account); } else { //Creat a new Set at values and add Id to it. mapNameBillingAddressKeyWithAccounts.put(keyString, new List<Account>{account}); } System.debug('@@@@@ mapNameBillingAddressKeyWithAccounts ' + mapNameBillingAddressKeyWithAccounts); //Loop through map keys for(String key : mapNameBillingAddressKeyWithAccounts.keySet()) { //Checking if we have more than one account record in the list corresponding to the account name, billingaddress combined string key if(mapNameBillingAddressKeyWithAccounts.get(key) != null && mapNameBillingAddressKeyWithAccounts.get(key).size() >= 1) { //Account record having oldest created date stamped on it will become parent of other dup recods Account parentAccount = mapNameBillingAddressKeyWithAccounts.get(key)[0]; //Set Parent in Map with latest Values mapParentAccount.put(parentAccount.Id, parentAccount); //Add a default list List<List<Id>> lstOfLst = new List<List<Id>>(); lstOfLst.add(new List<Id>()); mapParentAccountWithListOfChildrenAccounts.put(parentAccount.Id, lstOfLst); //Lopp through the child records //Set all the null field in Parent with child data if child have not null value for(Integer i=1; i<mapNameBillingAddressKeyWithAccounts.get(key).size(); i++) { //Dup Child Account record Account childAccount = mapNameBillingAddressKeyWithAccounts.get(key)[i]; //Loop through set having Account object fields API Name with it for(String accountFieldAPIName : setAccountFieldsNameString) { //Checking for value in child with respect to Parent if(parentAccount.get(accountFieldAPIName) == null && childAccount.get(accountFieldAPIName) != null) { //Populating Instance with value parentAccount.put(accountFieldAPIName, childAccount.get(accountFieldAPIName)); } } //Put the latest innstance of Parent Account in Map mapParentAccount.put(parentAccount.Id, parentAccount); //Get List from Marging Map List<List<Id>> mergingAccounts = mapParentAccountWithListOfChildrenAccounts.get(parentAccount.Id); //Chekcif list size has been reached to 2, add a new List and add account in that if(mergingAccounts[mergingAccounts.size() - 1].size() == 2) { //Add a new List mergingAccounts.add(new List<Id>()); } //Add Child record in List mergingAccounts[mergingAccounts.size() - 1].add(childAccount.Id); //Put this list back in original map mapParentAccountWithListOfChildrenAccounts.put(parentAccount.Id, mergingAccounts); } } } } System.debug('@@@@@@ value in mapParentAccount ' + mapParentAccount); System.debug('@@@@@@ value in mapParentAccountWithListOfChildrenAccounts ' + mapParentAccountWithListOfChildrenAccounts); //Start Merging Process for(Account pAccount : mapParentAccount.values()) { //Get merging list and start merging process if(mapParentAccountWithListOfChildrenAccounts.containsKey(pAccount.Id)) { //Loop through the merging list for(List<Id> accounts : mapParentAccountWithListOfChildrenAccounts.get(pAccount.Id)) { if(accounts != null && accounts.size() > 0) { System.debug('###### accounts ' + accounts); //Merge statement for merging of the child records with respect to Parent Account record merge pAccount accounts; } } } } } } //Finish Method global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { } }
Here is the Test Class
/** * Description : Test Class for Batch_MergeDuplicateTransactionAccounts. * * Created Date : 11-27-2013 * * Revisiion Logs : V_1.0 - Created * * Code Coverage : 100% **/ @isTest private class Test_Batch_MergeDuplicateTxnAccounts { //Test method static testMethod void myUnitTest() { //List to hold account records List listAccounts = new List(); //Create Account with iteration of count for(integer i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; i++) { //Populating the list of Account records listAccounts.add(new Account(Name = 'Test1' , BillingCity = 'TestCity' , BillingState = 'TestState' , BillingPostalCode = '85004' , BillingStreet = 'TestStreet' , BillingCountry = 'US')); } listAccounts.add(new Account(Name = 'Test2' , BillingCity = 'TestCity' , BillingState = 'TestState' , BillingPostalCode = '85005' , BillingStreet = 'TestStreet' , BillingCountry = 'US')); listAccounts.add(new Account(Name = 'Test2')); //Insert accounts insert listAccounts; //List to hold contact records List listContacts = new List(); //Populate the list with contact records listContacts.add(new Contact(FirstName = 'Test' , LastName = 'Contact' , AccountId = listAccounts[1].Id)); listContacts.add(new Contact(FirstName = 'Test1' , LastName = 'Contact1' , AccountId = listAccounts[2].Id)); //Insert contacts insert listContacts; //Test start from here Test.startTest(); //Batch Initializing Batch_MergeDuplicateTransactionAccounts controller = new Batch_MergeDuplicateTransactionAccounts(); //Execute Batch Database.executeBatch(controller , 200); //Test stop here Test.stopTest(); //Query to get account records listAccounts = [SELECT ID , (SELECT ID From Contacts) FROM Account]; //Assert for results System.assertEquals(listAccounts.size() , 3); System.assertEquals(listAccounts[0].contacts.size() , 2); } } }
Thanks & Cheers,