Friday 24 April 2015

Salesforce #trailhead : Place to Learn, Explore & Play

A game that will teach you Salesforce while playing

When I saw and started working on trailhead for the first time, I loved it so much that at the same time I end up getting 8 badges, one of my friend is a salesforce learner, I just pinged him trailhead link and tell him to start now he is salesforce certified Developer because he cleared most of the issues in trailhead practice.

Few things I loved about trailhead...

Its amazingly developed for the learners, that they will start loving Salesforce.
Whatever the new things updated in Salesforce in these recent release are out there on #Trailhead to practice.
Awesome explaining
Trailhead has broken down the Salesforce 1 platform into various sections known as “modules” and these are further divided into units so that one can learn those sections step-wise. Anyone who is new to Salesforce or wants to learn more about Salesforce can use the Trailhead. One can select the module as per his background (developer or administrator). Trailhead is also a great resource for anyone studying to take a Salesforce Certification exam.

Write now out there trailhead have these modules, go grab the badges now now now..

My favourite one is Process Automation, lightning , flow everything is there to learn

I got the CATTER also, I can make you jealous because it was on Trailhead for limited time period now its not on trailhead

If you are new to Salesforce, looking to enhance your Salesforce skill set, or just looking to brush up on your Salesforce knowledge, then I’d highly suggest hiking over to Salesforce’s Trailhead and trying it out: #trailhead

Hopefully this post has gotten you excited about trying Trailhead for yourself. Go earn those points and badges! Please also help us spread the word and make Trailhead a verb. So the next time someone asks you, “What is the best way to learn Salesforce?”, you’ll have the best answer, “Trailhead it”.

Happy trails!

Saturday 18 April 2015

Replicating one Salesforce org to another + Mass Deployment + Best Practice + Salesforce

Recently I was trying to replicate one Salesforce Sandbox org to Developer edition org, Sandbox was fully developed, sandbox had many components + dependecies, you cannot just deploy everything in one shot, So you need to make a checklist before the deployment for the components you are going to deploy.

Start checking in the components in order of below list

  • Check Appexchange apps installed.
  • Standard Object Modifications i.e Custom Fields or Field History Tracking or Assignment Rules (Suggestion is to use IDE for this).
  • Custom Objects i.e Custom Object and Custom Settings ( Here you can face issue if you have formula fields which is using related objects field values like CustomObject__r.Phone__c in the formula field )
  • Remote Site Settings, Static Resources, Roles Custom Button and Custom Links etc
  • Now Trigger, Apex Classes, Test classes and Visualforce Components and Visualforce pages.

I am using ANT and IDE, if you are using ANT please specify the profiles each and every time in your package.xml file.

In writing its looks too less but it would be too much at the time of deployment, While deploying keep this in mind that we are not using change sets, now your only hope is ANT and IDE.
for ANT users while deploying specific Standard objects custom Fields and that is 50 in count and pasting the custom fields name in package file, that is seriously annoying process I feel. So according to the list we should deploy all the Standard and Custom object fully using IDE, below is the process of deployment using IDE, after that there is an ANT package file snippet that you can use to deploy everything from one org to another org.

Process of fetching all the components in the IDE for the deployment (Specificaly fetching Standard Objects custom Fields).

i. Go to IDE open you Project

ii. Right click on the Project and click on followed by Add/Remove Metadata Components.

iii. Now click on Add/remove button highlighted below

you will get this notification message click ok

iv. Now select those components that you want to add the metadata in your IDE, like I have select Standard Object and the fields.

v. After selecting the components, you can see the selected componenets then click Apply

vi. Now you have added the components in your IDE.

vii. Right click on the object and select FORCE.COM and Deploy to Server

viii. Pass you credential of the dev org.

ix. Click NEXT

X. Click NEXT and you are done now

I have shown the above process to deploy standard Objects fields and then Custom object in sequence without wasting you time in the creation of the of the package.xml file.

Now just put the below code format in your package.xml file keeping in mind the deployement is done of the dependent components according to list in the starting I mentioned.

1:       <types>  
2:      <members>*</members>  
3:      <name>ApexClass</name>  
4:    </types>  
5:    <types>  
6:      <members>*</members>  
7:      <name>ApexComponent</name>  
8:    </types>  
9:    <types>  
10:      <members>*</members>  
11:      <name>ApexPage</name>  
12:    </types>  
13:    <types>  
14:      <members>*</members>  
15:      <name>ApexTrigger</name>  
16:    </types>  
17:    <types>  
18:      <members>Lead.104</members>  
19:      <name>AssignmentRule</name>  
20:    </types>  

NOTE : Put star(*) when you want to deploy all the components.

The above process will surely help you, when you are mass deploying
Please go to these links for more information and expertise in ANT TOOL

Installing the Migration Tool Migration Tool Guide
Using the Migration Tool

I am a great fan of ANT tool, and anybody will also become when we will use ANT AT ITS BEST.

Enjoy the force !!!

Friday 3 April 2015

Duplicate Management Salesforce Spring ’15

Duplicate Management feature released in Spring'15 is one of easy and useful feature that salesforce release in Spring'15, same as like "Process Builder", recently I tried to implement it and this feature is doing almost all the things that we want and was doing using Apex triggers.

I thought to post it as people will get to more about this new features, and will start implementing it rather then using Apex triggers. I have added snapshots as well as it will be more helpful in explaining. for more description go for Spring 15 release note

Now here we go,

1. GO TO : YOUR NAME => Setup => Administration => Duplicate Management

2. Click on "Matching Rules" click on "New Rule" and Select an Object from the picklist , I have selected Account

3. Provide the name of the rule and select the field on which you want to check the duplicacy and select one of the selected value "Exact" or "Fuzzy"

Exact will match the exact match.
Fuzzy will check for the containing match as well.

Your rule should look something like this, then click on "Activate", you will receive an email on the activation of the rule.

4. Now create a "Duplicate Rule", option is write in below of Matching rule, click "New Rule" and select the object from the select list, I have selected Account object

5. Now add the values in the option showing in below snapshot

You rule should look something like this

6. You are done now, create an Account with name "TEST" and again create an Account with "test", it will show alert on creation on duplicate name

Salesfirce Duplicate Management have many features you can right trigger it have two objects as well "Duplicate Record Sets" and related child object is "Duplicate Record Items" where you can the related duplicate records, you can modify the page layouts as well.

Soon will post Duplicate Management's Trigger using at its best.
Enjoy Salesforce..!!!

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Mass Update feature on List view of Salesforce

Want to update all the record showing in the list view ?
It is so easy and awesome to do using standard Salesforce functionality.
No need to install and app from Appexchange for that as salesforce already have this but the thing is its a hidden and non popular functionality. People were installing apps to mass Update the records in the list view, but here is the standard way of doing it. f

Please go through the steps.

1. Enable Enhanced list view and Inline editing on the user interface as shown in snapshot
for more details about user interface "Customizing User Interface Settings"

Setup | Customize | User Interface

a. Enable Enhanced Lists
b. Enable Inline Editing

2. Go to any objects list view

3. Click on the top checkbox to select all the records

4. Double click on the field value which you want to edit, here I have clicked on the checkbox, then this pop up will show.

5. Provide the value to the field and select weather you want to update all or the single record.

6. TADAAAA.... all field values have been updated.

You are done now, I posted this because it was there even though I was not using it, but now everybody should.