Hey I am back again with something new I have tried.
Now what do we have here
1. Picklist of Objects.
2. Picklist of DataTypes.
3. A Table with a list of Fields and there type
When user will select an an Object from the first picklist and then the User need to select the DataType from the second picklist and hit the button "Get Fields", then just in below section Named "Results" will be populated with the fields having the data Type selected by the user.
Here is a screen shot
Here is the apex Class,
VisualForce Page
Now what do we have here
1. Picklist of Objects.
2. Picklist of DataTypes.
3. A Table with a list of Fields and there type
When user will select an an Object from the first picklist and then the User need to select the DataType from the second picklist and hit the button "Get Fields", then just in below section Named "Results" will be populated with the fields having the data Type selected by the user.
Here is a screen shot
Here is the apex Class,
/** Description : Fetch all the fields with a common data type of an object.
* Created By : Abhi Tripathi
* Created Date : 09/05/2013
* Version : V1.0
public with sharing class FetchFieldOfObjectWithDataType {
//Map to hold the [object name-Field Data Type] as key and List of fields as value
Map> mapObjectNameDataTypeKeyWithFields;
//String to hold the object name selected
public String selectedObjectNameString { get; set;}
//String to hold the data type selected
public String selectedDataTyepString { get; set;}
//Select List for holding sObject Select list
public List options { get; set;}
//Boolean variable
public Boolean isSelected;
//Fields list
public List sObjectFieldsList {get; set;}
//List of wrapper class
public List listWrap { get; set; }
//Data Type options Select list
public List getOperations() {
//List to hold the Data type options picklist
List options = new List();
options.add(new SelectOption('','Select one'));
options.add(new SelectOption('TEXT','Auto Number'));
options.add(new SelectOption('BOOLEAN','Checkbox'));
options.add(new SelectOption('CURRENCY','Currency'));
options.add(new SelectOption('DATE','Date'));
options.add(new SelectOption('DATETIME','Date/Time'));
options.add(new SelectOption('EMAIL','Email'));
options.add(new SelectOption('STRING','Formula'));
options.add(new SelectOption('LOCATION','Geolocation'));
options.add(new SelectOption('REFERENCE','Lookup'));
options.add(new SelectOption('INTEGER','Number'));
options.add(new SelectOption('DOUBLE','Percent'));
options.add(new SelectOption('PHONE','Phone'));
options.add(new SelectOption('PICKLIST','Picklist'));
options.add(new SelectOption('MULTIPICKLIST','Picklist (Multi-Select)'));
options.add(new SelectOption('STRING','Text'));
options.add(new SelectOption('TEXTAREA','Text Area'));
options.add(new SelectOption('URL','URL'));
return options;
//Method to check the Sobject is selected or not
public void OnSelectAction(){
if(selectedObjectNameString != null && selectedObjectNameString != '' )
isSelected = true;
isSelected = false;
//Calling Constructor
public FetchFieldOfObjectWithDataType() {
//Memory allocation
mapObjectNameDataTypeKeyWithFields = new Map>();
options = new List();
sObjectFieldsList = new List();
options.add(new SelectOption('','Select one'));
//Loop through sObject list
for(Schema.SObjectType sobj : Schema.getGlobalDescribe().Values()) {
//Get described of object
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult f = sobj.getDescribe();
//Check if object is accessible or not
if(f.isAccessible() && f.isCreateable())
//Populate list with options
options.add(new SelectOption(f.getName(),f.getLabel()));
//Sorting the list alphabetially
public void getFieldType() {
//List to hold the fields string
List fieldNameStringList = new List();
mapObjectNameDataTypeKeyWithFields = new Map>();
listWrap = new List();
//Loop over sObject fields
for(Schema.Sobjectfield sObjectFields : Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(selectedObjectNameString).getDescribe().fields.getMap().values()) {
//Get Described variable
Schema.Describefieldresult fieldDescribedResult = sObjectFields.getDescribe();
//Checking map for value corresponding to the key
if(mapObjectNameDataTypeKeyWithFields.containsKey(String.valueOf(fieldDescribedResult.getType())) == false) {
//List having label of fields
fieldNameStringList = new List{fieldDescribedResult.getName() + '-' + fieldDescribedResult.getLabel() + '-' + String.valueOf(fieldDescribedResult.getLength()) + '-' + String.valueOf(fieldDescribedResult.isAccessible()) + '-' + String.valueOf(fieldDescribedResult.isUpdateable())};
else {
fieldNameStringList = mapObjectNameDataTypeKeyWithFields.get(String.valueOf(fieldDescribedResult.getType()));
fieldNameStringList.add(fieldDescribedResult.getName() + '-' + fieldDescribedResult.getLabel() + '-' + String.valueOf(fieldDescribedResult.getLength()) + '-' + String.valueOf(fieldDescribedResult.isAccessible()) + '-' + String.valueOf(fieldDescribedResult.isUpdateable()));
//Populate map with the values
mapObjectNameDataTypeKeyWithFields.put(String.valueOf(fieldDescribedResult.getType()), fieldNameStringList);
//Get corresponding fields names
sObjectFieldsList = mapObjectNameDataTypeKeyWithFields.get(selectedDataTyepString);
//Integer variable
Integer i=1;
//Check for null
if(sObjectFieldsList != null) {
//loop through the value of the map
for(String str : mapObjectNameDataTypeKeyWithFields.get(selectedDataTyepString)) {
//add to wrapper
listWrap.add(new WrapperFields( i++ , str.split('-')[0] , str.split('-')[1] , str.split('-')[2] , str.split('-')[3] , str.split('-')[4]));
} else {
//Error message
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Fields Are Not Available For This Data Type'));
//Wrapper Class to hold different type of values
public class WrapperFields {
public Integer srNm { get; set; }
public String nameOfField {get ; set ; }
public String labelOfField {get ; set ; }
public String lengthOfField {get ; set ; }
public string updatable { get; set; }
public string accessable { get; set; }
//Calling Constructor
public WrapperFields(Integer srNm , String nameOfField , String labelOfField , String lengthOfField , string updatable , string accessable) {
this.srNm = srNm;
this.nameOfField = nameOfField;
this.labelOfField = labelOfField;
this.lengthOfField = lengthOfField;
this.updatable = updatable;
this.accessable = accessable;
VisualForce Page
/** Description : Fetch all the fields with a common data type of an object.
* Created By : Abhi Tripathi
* Created Date : 09/05/2013
* Version : V1.0
<apex:page controller="FetchFieldOfObjectWithDataType" tabStyle="Lead">
<apex:sectionHeader subtitle="Describe Your sObject" />
<apex:form >
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Get Fields" action="{!getFieldType}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Object And Data Type" columns="1" >
<apex:selectList required="true" value="{!selectedObjectNameString}" size="1" label="Select Object Name" >
<apex:selectOptions value="{!options}"/>
<apex:actionsupport event="onclick" rerender="pick" action="{!OnSelectAction}"/>
<apex:selectList required="true" value="{!selectedDataTyepString}" size="1" label="Select Data Type" >
<apex:selectOptions value="{!Operations}"/>
<apex:actionsupport event="onclick" rerender="pick" action="{!OnSelectAction}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Results" columns="1" >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!listWrap}" var="item" rendered="{!(sObjectFieldsList.size != 0 || sObjectFieldsList = null)}">
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">Sr. No.</apex:facet>
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">API Name</apex:facet>
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">Label</apex:facet>
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">Length</apex:facet>
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">Editable</apex:facet>
<apex:column >
<apex:facet name="header">Accessable</apex:facet>
<!--displaying the records when there is no record to display-->
<apex:outputText rendered="{!(sObjectFieldsList.size = 0 || sObjectFieldsList = null)}" value="No record(s) to display" />
Must read post for beginners. Awesome...
ReplyDeleteThanks buddy.
ReplyDeletethrough metadata api i created field but how to display created field dynamically in an visualforce page
ReplyDeleteHi Mahesh,
DeleteIt doesn't matter how you created a field in this code, it will fetch the field according to there Data Type from the particular object.
Thank you Abhi Tripathi,
DeleteActually i try to copy and paste but Map and List related types some problem.
please help me......
Thank you Abhi Tripathi,
DeleteActually i try to copy and paste the above code but Map and List related types some problem.
please help me......
Hi Mahesh,
DeleteGive me your email id . i'll send you the code.
Hi Abhi,
DeleteCan you plz send the code to "susheelkumarbusireddy@gmail.com"
ReplyDeleteabove code is possible to using wrapper class.Using wrapper class how to display Field LableName,Api Name and data type using visualforce page and apex class.
please help me
Hi Mahesh,
DeleteUsing wrapper class, you can create variable in wrapper class to hold the value of Labels, Api Names and Data Type. This response comes when we use schema methods like getDescribe() method.
But I think that approach is not good for practice.
Schema response is too easy to handle on the same class.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHi Abhi Tripathi,
Deletethe above code display (pageblocktable)looks like same, but without using picklist values.Only display Fields label name,api name and type related fields with in the pageblocktable using wrapper class .Please help me............
Sent you a mail.
DeleteThanks :)
Hi Abhi Tripathi,
DeleteI complete above task,Now Actually ,In my requirement Object like following type
string strtemp = ‘Mahesh__’+strFieldName + ‘__c’;//Object come as through URL like strFieldName(object name in the form of string).
How to assign strtemp to object type?
please help me………….
Hi Mahesh,
DeleteYou can use this list of Schema.Sobjectfield
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHi Abhi Tripathi,
ReplyDeleteusing this (Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(strtrmp).getDescribe().fields.getMap().values();)i displayed all fields in an visualforce page related to this Object(String strtemp=‘Mahesh__’+strFieldName + ‘__c’;)
.But I try to add edit and delete functionalities these object(strtemp) related fields.That's why gave like the following in Wrapper class.
Public class Wrapper()
public strtemp obj{get; set;}//Here strtemp is like String strtemp = ‘Mahesh__’+strFieldName + ‘__c’;
public Wrapper(strtemp obj)
is it possible.Here i got error:Invalid type: strtemp
how to assign strtemp like object Here?
please help me.......
ReplyDeleteHow to retrieve custom objects created dates in a pageblocktable using schema methods in an visualforce page?
help me..
Creation of map,List and their memory allocation is not correct.
ReplyDeletePlease Update the same :-)