Sunday, 1 June 2014

Salesforce Multi-Select Picklist Using JQuery

I have implemented this good looking mulkti-select picklist on our Salesforce Visualforce pages.
It is so easy to handle and more user friendly as it looks.

User can select multiple option as it does in Salesforce Mutli-picklist fields, and values will be succesfully get saved in database.

User can choose more then one option by check options write in the front of the values.

You need to refer Jquery and Javascript from the static resource.

Here is the Visualforce Page code Visualforce Page

Here is the Apex class

Here is the link of github repo

Happy Coding..!!!


  1. Hi Abhi, We have client requirement to implement multiselect picklist for Salesfroce1 App, Could you please provide zip code that you have implemented for the same.

    Please email to

  2. can u please share query and Javascript from the static resource and the way to save them as well...

    1. Hi Devil,
      Did you check the zip file uploaded in the github link in the blog ?


  3. Hello abhi this will working fine with mobile friendly.
