Monday 23 September 2013

Dynamically Parsing CSV and loading Data into Objects #Salesforce

Here I have tried to make my work easy in the practice times, so i created my own Custom Dataloader, which requires No Login.

So here it is, I have tried to explain everything in here about the codes working, but if anybody find any problem can contact me. So down here is our first look of Custom Data Loader, here we can only perform three but important DML processes and they are


Now after choosing your DML Process a new section will be rendered and where we can select our object for the operation, which is a simple picklist but one of the important part of the process.
Here is the snapshot

After choosing your object now you can get upload your file in the next section,'s a new section will be rendered and a "Choose File" option will help you to upload your CSV file.

But one the important thing to know is that, here mapping of the fields are automatic, the code will map all the fields with the header of the file and upload it, but if there is any spell mistake or if it can't find the field name in the header of your CSV file then it will refuse it to upload and shows error, for example if your CSV file have a header named LastName and you are trying to upload that file in Account Object then it will refuse to upload that field as it cant find one.
Here is the Last snapshot

Here is the Visualforce page code

 <apex:page controller="CustomDataLoader">  
   function ConfirmCancel(){  
     var isCancel = confirm("Are you sure you wish to cancel?")  
     if (isCancel) return true;  
     return false;  
   <!--second section of DML Operation starts here-->  
   <apex:sectionHeader title="Step 1 of 3" subtitle="Choose Operation"/>  
   <apex:form >   
     <apex:pageMessages />  
     <apex:pageBlock >  
       <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">  
         <apex:commandButton action="{!Cancel}" value="Canel" onclick="return ConfirmCancel()" immediate="true" style="width:20%"/>  
       <!--Page Section-->  
       <apex:pageBlockSection >  
         <!--RADIO BUTTON-->  
         <apex:selectRadio required="true" value="{!dmlOpps }" layout="pageDirection" onselect="{!dmlOpps}" >  
           <apex:selectOptions value="{!Operations}"/>  
           <apex:actionsupport event="onclick" rerender="out" action="{!onclickaction}"/>  
   <!-- From here the selection of object process starts-------------------------------------------------------------------->  
   <apex:outputPanel id="out" >   
     <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IsChecked}" id="out1">   
       <apex:sectionHeader title="step 2 of 3" subtitle="Select Your Object" />  
       <apex:form >   
         <apex:pageBlock >  
           <apex:pageBlockSection >  
             <apex:selectList required="true" value="{!selectedValue}" size="1" label="Select Object Name" >  
               <apex:selectOptions value="{!options}"/>  
               <apex:actionsupport event="onclick" rerender="pick" action="{!OnSelectAction}"/>   
   <!--From Here selection of the file starts---------------------------------------------------------------------------------->  
   <apex:outputPanel id="pick" >   
     <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IsSelected}" id="pick1">   
       <apex:sectionHeader title="step 3 of 3" subtitle="Choose your .CSV File" id="next2" />  
       <apex:form >   
         <apex:pageBlock >    
             <apex:inputFile value="{!BlobFile}" filename="{!RecordsInTheFile}" accept=".csv" />  
             <apex:commandButton action="{!processingFile}" value="Upload File" id="theButton" style="width:70px;" />  
           <apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">  
             <apex:commandButton action="{!Cancel}" value="Cancel" onclick="return ConfirmCancel()" immediate="true" style="width:20%"/>  

Here is the apex class

/**    Description     :    Custom Data Loader.                               
*    Created By      :    Abhi Tripathi   
*    Created Date    :    12/04/2013
*    Revision Log    :    27/04/2013
public class CustomDataLoader{              
    //List to hold the options
    public List<SelectOption> options {get;set;}
    public string selectedValue {get; set;}
    //DML Operations
    string dmlOpps = null;
    //Boolean to load the rest of rhe page when operation is selected
    boolean IsChecked=false;
    public boolean getIsChecked(){
        return IsChecked;
    //method to check the RadioButton is checked
    public void onclickaction(){
        if(dmlOpps != '' && dmlOpps != null)
            IsChecked = true;
            IsChecked = false;
    //choose value
    public List<SelectOption> getOperations() {
        List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>(); 
        options.add(new SelectOption('insert','INSERT')); 
        options.add(new SelectOption('upsert','UPSERT')); 
        options.add(new SelectOption('delete','DELETE')); 
        return options;     
    public String getdmlOpps() {
        return dmlOpps ;
    public void setdmlOpps (String dmlOpps ){
        this.dmlOpps = dmlOpps ;
    //Boolean to load the upload page 
    boolean IsSelected = false;
    public boolean getIsSelected(){
        return IsSelected;
    //Method to check the Sobject is selected or not
    public void OnSelectAction(){
        if( selectedValue != null && selectedValue != '' )
            IsSelected = true;
            IsSelected = false;
    //Calling constructor   
    public CustomDataLoader() {                                                                                                     
        //memory allocation and default value assignment
        options = new List<SelectOption>();
        options.add(new SelectOption('','Select one'));                                                                 
        //Loop through sObject list
        for(Schema.SObjectType sobj : Schema.getGlobalDescribe().Values()) {
            schema.DescribeSObjectResult f = sobj.getDescribe();
            //filtering the sobject list 
            if(f.isCreateable() && f.isDeletable() && f.isQueryable() && f.isUpdateable() && f.isAccessible() && f.isUndeletable()){
                //populate list with options
                options.add(new SelectOption(f.getName(),f.getLabel()));
        //sorting the list alphabetially   
    //Destination of the cancel Button 
    public PageReference cancel(){
        PageReference  pr = new PageReference('/home/home.jsp');
        return pr;
    //================here starts page 3=====================================================================================
    //Defining list, sets and string
    public blob BlobFile{get;set;}
    public string RecordsInTheFile {get;set;}
    public list<Schema.Sobjectfield> sObjectFieldsList {get; set;}
    public set<string> FieldNames{get;set;}
    //transient used to limit the page size
    transient list<string> headersList{get;set;}
    transient set<Integer> headersContainedList{get;set;}
    transient list<list<string>> csvRows{get;set;}
    transient String[] ListOfRecordsOnly {get; set;}
    transient String[] ListOfRecordsWithId {get; set;} 
    transient map<string, object> fieldswithDataType;
    public void processingFile(){
        FieldNames = new set<string>();
        headersList = new list<string>();
        headersContainedList = new set<Integer>();
        ListOfRecordsOnly = new String[]{};
        csvRows = new list<list<String>>();
        ListOfRecordsWithId = new String[]{};
            sObject dynObject;
        string firsTRecordIds = '';                   
        fieldswithDataType = new map<string, object>();
        //Sobject which is selected     
        Map<String,Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe(); 
        Schema.DescribeSObjectResult r = gd.get(selectedValue).getDescribe(); 
        //get name of Sobject
        String tempName = r.getName(); 
        //get first 3 digits of the Id
        String tempPrefix = r.getKeyPrefix(); 
        list<list<Sobject>> listOfListOfSobject = new list<list<Sobject>>();
        list<sObject> dynsObjectList = new list<sObject>();   
        list<object> datatypeOfField = new list<object>();                   
        //Fields of sobject
        sObjectFieldsList = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(selectedValue).getDescribe().fields.getMap().values();
        //Loop over fields list
        for(Schema.Sobjectfield schemaField : sObjectFieldsList) {
            Schema.Describefieldresult FieldResult = schemaField.getDescribe();
            //Check if the is updatable or creatable
            if( FieldResult.isUpdateable() && FieldResult.isCreateable()) {
                //Populated list with fields label
                //map of field with corresponding data type values
                fieldswithDataType.put(FieldResult.getName().toLowerCase(), FieldResult.getType());
        //Check if the no file is selected
        if(blobFile == null){
            //Error Message
            ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.FATAL,'Kindly Choose your File First');
        //file processing
        RecordsInTheFile = BlobFile.tostring();//taking blob file to a string
        headersList = RecordsInTheFile.split('\r\n');//splitting at new line
        //list of headers (field Names) only
        headersList = headersList[0].split(',');   
        //here defining the records which are having valid headers And removing Id columns and unkwon fields
        integer index = 0;
        for(string headerstring : headersList){
            //Getting index(List of integers) values of the unknown fields in the csv file                 
        //list for Indexes with Id also
        set<Integer> IdContainedIndex = new set<Integer>();
        //here adding Id column but removing other unkwon fields
        integer WithId = 0;
        for(string head : headersList){
            //Getting index(List of integers) values of the unknown fields in the csv file
                for(integer d=0; d<headersList.size(); d++){
                    if(headersList[d]== 'Id'){
        list<object> MyHeaderMap = new  list<object>();
        //get the fields datatype which are in file
        for(string head : headersList){
            object mapofFile = fieldswithDataType.get(head.toLowerCase());
            //list of object contains data type of fields in the file
        //get the CSV lines
        for(String row : RecordsInTheFile.split('\r\n')) {
            //add row
        //Checking for values 
        for(integer j=1; j<csvRows.size(); j++ ){                                                                 
            //Record on the rows of this  string
            ListOfRecordsOnly = csvRows.get(j);
            //Creating a new sObject dynamically
            dynObject = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(selectedValue).newSObject();
            for(integer i=0; i<ListOfRecordsOnly.size(); i++){
                //Check the index is matching with index of unknownHeaders 
                    Object s = null;
                    try {       
                        //processing the datatype of the record and the field
                        if (MyHeaderMap[i]==DisplayType.Double||MyHeaderMap[i]==DisplayType.Currency || MyHeaderMap[i]==DisplayType.Percent){
                            s = decimal.valueOf((String)ListOfRecordsOnly[i]); 
                        } else if (MyHeaderMap[i]==DisplayType.Boolean){                 
                            if (ListOfRecordsOnly[i]=='true'){
                                s = true;               
                            }else if (ListOfRecordsOnly[i]=='false'){
                                s = false;             
                            }else {
                                s = Boolean.valueOf(ListOfRecordsOnly[i]);
                        } else if (MyHeaderMap[i]==DisplayType.Integer) {
                            s = Integer.valueOf(ListOfRecordsOnly[i]);
                        } else if (MyHeaderMap[i]==DisplayType.Date) {
                            s = Date.valueOf(ListOfRecordsOnly[i]);
                        } else if (MyHeaderMap[i]==DisplayType.DateTime) {                                     
                            s = DateTime.valueOf(ListOfRecordsOnly[i]);
                        } else if (MyHeaderMap[i]==DisplayType.REFERENCE) {
                            id idList = Id.valueOf(ListOfRecordsOnly[i]);
                            s = idList; 
                        } else if ((MyHeaderMap[i]==DisplayType.PickList || MyHeaderMap[i]==DisplayType.PickList) && MyHeaderMap[i]==null) {
                            s = '';
                            s = ListOfRecordsOnly[i];
                    }catch (System.TypeException e){
                    //Put value according with the index in the Sobject variable
                    dynObject.put(headersList[i], s); 
            //adding values in the list of object
        if(dmlOpps == 'insert'){
                Database.SaveResult[] result = Database.insert(dynsObjectList , false);
                ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Record Successfully Created');
            catch (Exception e)
                ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'An error has occured. Please check the template or try again later');
        //list of the Records with corresponding Id's
        list<string> FieldValueWithId = new list<string>();
        sObject ObjectWithIdRecords;//sObject
        list<Sobject> SobjectForUpdate = new list<Sobject>();//List of records
        //Here's is upsert method
        if(dmlOpps == 'upsert'){
            //Limiting the loop
            for(Integer k=0; k<headersList.size(); k++ ){
                //Check if the Id Column is there
                if(headersList[k]== 'Id')
                    //Loop for the size of the string
                    for(Integer h=1; h<csvRows.size(); h++){
                        //Assigning the value of csvrows to list
                        ListOfRecordsWithId = csvRows.get(h);
                        firsTRecordIds = '';
                        integer b = 0;
                        //List of Id's in the record
                        FieldValueWithId = ListOfRecordsWithId[b].split(',');
                        for(string fvw : FieldValueWithId){
                            firsTRecordIds += fvw.subString(0, 3); 
                        //Defining a dynamic object
                        ObjectWithIdRecords = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(selectedValue).newSObject();
                        //putting value of field according to the field index
                        for(Integer y=0; y<ListOfRecordsWithId.size(); y++){ 
                            //Check weather is provided or not
                                //check if the first 3 digits of Id are same or not
                                if(firsTRecordIds == tempPrefix ){
                                    Object s = null;
                                    try {       
                                        //processing the datatype of the record and the field
                                        if (MyHeaderMap[y]==DisplayType.Double||MyHeaderMap[y]==DisplayType.Currency || MyHeaderMap[y]==DisplayType.Percent){
                                            s = decimal.valueOf((String)ListOfRecordsOnly[y]); 
                                        } else if (MyHeaderMap[y]==DisplayType.Boolean){                 
                                            if (ListOfRecordsOnly[y]=='true'){
                                                s = true;               
                                            }else if (ListOfRecordsOnly[y]=='false'){
                                                s = false;             
                                            }else {
                                                s = Boolean.valueOf(ListOfRecordsOnly[y]);
                                        } else if (MyHeaderMap[y]==DisplayType.Integer) {
                                            s = Integer.valueOf(ListOfRecordsOnly[y]);
                                        } else if (MyHeaderMap[y]==DisplayType.Date) {
                                            s = Date.valueOf(ListOfRecordsOnly[y]);
                                        } else if (MyHeaderMap[y]==DisplayType.DateTime) {                                     
                                            s = DateTime.valueOf(ListOfRecordsOnly[y]);
                                        } else if (MyHeaderMap[y]==DisplayType.REFERENCE) {
                                            id idList = Id.valueOf(ListOfRecordsOnly[y]);
                                            s = idList; 
                                        } else if ((MyHeaderMap[y]==DisplayType.PickList || MyHeaderMap[y]==DisplayType.PickList) && MyHeaderMap[y]==null) {
                                            s = '';
                                            s = ListOfRecordsOnly[y];
                                    }catch (System.TypeException e){
                                    ObjectWithIdRecords.put(headersList[y], s);                                             
                        //Add object ot list of object
            if(firsTRecordIds == tempPrefix ){             
                //Update Record with database method
                    Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.update(SobjectForUpdate, false); 
                    ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Records Have been Upserted Succesfully');
                catch (Exception e)
                    ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'An error has occured. Please check the template or try again later');
        //upsert when the Id is not provided
        if(dmlOpps == 'Upsert'){
                Database.SaveResult[] srList = Database.insert(SobjectForUpdate, false); 
                ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Your Records Have Benn Succesfully Created');
            catch (Exception e)
                ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'An error has occured. Please check the template or try again later');
        //When delete is chosen=====================================================Delete=======================
        list<string> DeletingIds = new list<string>(); 
            //Limiting the loop
            for(Integer k=0; k<headersList.size(); k++ ){
                //Check if the Id Column is there
        \        if(headersList[k]== 'Id'){
                    integer idColumn = k;
                    //Loop for the size of the string
                    for(Integer h=1; h<csvRows.size(); h++){
                        //Assigning the value of csvrows to list
                        ListOfRecordsWithId = csvRows.get(h);
                        firsTRecordIds = '';
                        integer b = 0;
                        //List of Id's in the record
                        FieldValueWithId = ListOfRecordsWithId[b].split(',');
                        //first 3 digits of the Id
                        for(string fvw : FieldValueWithId){
                            firsTRecordIds += fvw.subString(0, 3); 
                        //List Of Id's Only
                        //Defining a dynamic object
                        ObjectWithIdRecords = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(selectedValue).newSObject();
                        //putting value of field according to the field index
                        for(Integer y=0; y<deletingIds.size(); y++){ 
                            //Check weather is provided or not
                                //check if the first 3 digits of Id are same or not
                                if(firsTRecordIds == tempPrefix ){
                                    //put header column with id's
                                    ObjectWithIdRecords.put( headersList[k] , deletingIds[y]);   
                        //Add object ot list of object
            if(firsTRecordIds == tempPrefix ){             
                Database.DeleteResult[] results = Database.delete(SobjectForUpdate, false);
                ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Records Have been Removed Succesfully');
            } else {
                ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'An error has occured. Please check the template or try again later');
            //If the records don't have the column                       
                ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Records Dont have ID');

Happy Coding...!!!! CHEERSSSSS...


  1. Hi Abhi, Thanks for the excellent work it really helped me a lot. I was actually looking for the same thing for my project. But 'UPSERT' is not working for me....

  2. Hi Abhi i made few changes to your code so now UPDATE is also working fine...I'm really thankful to u. Can u pls post test case classes if you have written for this code that would be really helpful....

  3. Hi Abhi your delete and upsert functions are not working can u pls go through the code and make the changes ...

  4. Hi Abhi Thanks for code. I have been trying this dynamic upload code from last month for reusable purpose.
    Finally got code from your Blog.
    you're the rock. But upsert/ delete functionality is not working. If you have any free time please check and send to code my mail id :

  5. HI Madhu, Upsert and delete functionality is not that much complicated, it just requires the record Id.

  6. Hi Roshan,
    Unfortunately I have not written test class for this, but it will be simple but lengthy, you can go for it, let me know if you need help.

  7. Upsert just need a unique Id, other then that salesforce will handle everything.

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